Stone: a locally sourced material that is very durable, resistent, and is an exceptional thermal insulator.There are three main materials used for these structures:

This means that materials with a lot of thermal inertia are used to reduce the impact of this fluctuation. There is a big difference in temperature during the daylight hours and the nighttime in these climates. Materials used for architecture in dry climates Taking advantage of airflow is also very important. Structures are often built along the east-west axis to reduce the amount of heat hitting the external walls in the morning and at sundown and to capture the sunlight during winter. Unlike structures found in tropical climates, the walls of a building in an arid environment are more important than the ceiling. Homes in these areas are often shared structures that provide mutual protection, such as massive adobe structures. In these conditions, people need refuges that can protect the inhabitants from the discomfort they would otherwise experience. There is very little rainfall and a greater difference between temperatures during the day and those at night, as low humidity levels and a lack of cloud cover mean that the sun heats the ground during the day, but this heat dissipates very quickly at night. Hot, arid climates are therefore characterised by blinding sun and excessive heat. They are mostly found near the Equator, meaning they receive more sun than other places. These regions experience high temperatures year-round, with an average temperature of about 20 degrees. The most arid climates are found in places like West Africa, the Andes, Mexico, and the Gobi Desert. Today we turn our attention to dry climates. We’ve already look at very wet climates and icy ones. A structure in a mild climate will have different characteristics to one situated in an area with high temperatures. Many decisions about the design and layout of a building depend on the climate they are in.